It may involve advising on high level policy and strategy.
We are regularly asked to assist Boards of Directors and Management Committees to look at their responsibilities in terms of governance of their organisations. Generally this work is very specific to the organisation requesting it and may involve reviewing procedures and processes, considering the operation of a Board, advising on high level policy and strategy or providing specific training. Examples include:
- N.I.A.C.R.O. - we recently assisted N.I.A.C.R.O. by developing a Risk Management Strategy and Policy and a Risk Register for the organisation to assist it to ensure that it had an appropriate plan to address major contingencies.
- Paisley Park Review - this piece of work, undertaken for D.S.D., sought to address weaknesses in the operation of this publicly owned, community managed, major sports facility. It involved a review of the facility and consideration of a range of possible management structures, involving close working with the Board and representatives of users to develop an appropriate plan for its future governance.
- Risk Training - we have carried out risk management training for a number of Boards of Directors over the last few years to assist them to understand their role in this and to take responsibility for high level risks and to ensure that the organisation is suitably accredited to deal with lower level risks.